What I Offer

I offer both one to one coaching programmes and group coaching workshops & programmes.

One to One - my focus is:

  • Coaching for Female Leaders - I am extremely passionate about working with female leaders to enable them to achieve their unique potential in a balanced that doesn’t compromise their health and wellbeing. I have personal experience of the challenges and the often frankly unrealistic expectations that female leaders face.

  • Coaching Adults with ADHD – I am equally passionate about supporting adults who are late diagnosed, on a waiting list or have ADHD traits and need help. I have personal experience of the challenges of living with ADHD. My son was diagnosed at 16 and my subsequent research into how ADHD presents in females has led me to seek my own diagnosis. So much of my life now makes sense and I am starting to understand why I do the things I do. I want to help others in the same situation start to make sense of their life and find ways to succeed.

Group coaching & workshops – for managers and leaders

Being a leader is a huge privilege and how we show up as a leader has the potential to have both a positive and negative impact on the lives of our team members. I offer 2 programmes to work with small groups of leaders.

  • The first is ‘Developing Coaching skills for Leaders’.

  • ‘Leading Your Teams Through Change’.

Both are workshop style but can also be supported by additional 1:1 coaching sessions.

For more information on any of the programmes and details on prices then please contact me.